Rapper Trauma known as “The Country Junky” hails from Winston-Salem’s, Walkertown. As hip-hop evolves Trauma’s musical style merges a laid-back feel with what Trauma dubs as a ‘Patron vibe’ energy. His lyrics capture the spirit of both struggle and success and connects to something real. Inspired by his brother, Trauma vowed to carry on their core story of grind and grit during his absence.
The Walkertown native’s raw energy and talent is already amassing a following and gained the attention of Tank Traxx Ent. Tank Traxx Ent. signed Trauma as their first artist in 2019.
The emerging artist is making a name for himself, with singles like ‘Leave me Alone’. Trauma’s latest single ‘On Fire’ serves as the catalyst for a unique sound and new name in the game. Keep up with Trauma on IG @TankTraxxEnt for the latest upcoming projects, releases, and tracks as the next generation takes the reins.
This post first appeared on SkopeMag